Freestanding fridge-freezers with freezer at the bottom.
With these freestanding fridge-freezers, the cooling section is straight in front of you, at eye level. The lower part contains a spacious freezer section. Divided right in the middle, you can also remove chilled food without bending down.
Built-in fridge-freezers with freezer at the bottom: freshness at your fingertips.
Our built-in fridge-freezers come with all the comfort and necessities of a modern cooling solution: they fit seamlessly into every kitchen design and offer you at the same time maximum comfort. You can remove chilled food without bending down. The lower part contains a spacious freezer section.
Our fridge-freezers: You can't store food fresher than this.
Different foods need different storage conditions: Fish, meat and dairy products are best stored in dry conditions with a low humidity level. Fruit and vegetables, on the other hand, need a high humidity level to stop them drying out. The innovative stay-fresh systems in our Bosch fridge-freezers provide the best cooling technology for each type of food. So you can be certain that your vegetables will stay fresher for longer in our VitaFresh box.