Is it a good idea to clean your oven with vinegar.
There are many ways to clean an oven. Some people recommend vinegar, others bicarbonate of soda. Some people swear by baking powder, some by salt and some even use shaving foam. Here at Bosch Home Appliances, we say that you don’t need any of them!
Instead of using vinegar, we recommend that you clean your oven with washing-up liquid, warm water, a damp cloth and a stainless steel scouring pad. Done! That’s all you need. Let the soapy solution soak in thoroughly and put your feet up while you wait. Cleaning an oven with vinegar is neither necessary nor advisable. In ourvideo(2:18 min.), we will show you, step by step, how to clean your oven.
Do you have any questions about the topic of cleaning your oven with vinegar? You can call our Bosch customer service team for large appliances on <CustSerPhoneNo>. They are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They will be happy to help.